Our Vision
To become the national leader in research-based education
Our Way
Disseminate 100% of existing knowledge and let students discover new knowledge
Our Syllabus
The most advanced Software Engineering syllabus in Sri Lanka
Our People
A wonderful set of academics with the passion to teach
Board of Governors
Accounts Department
Public Relations
Software Department
Quality Assurance
Student Services
MD Office
Board of Governors
Accounts Department
Public Relations
Software Department
Quality Assurance
Academic Officers
Student Services
MD Office
Academic Officers
Software Engineering
Miss Achini Sepalika
2022/2023/KA/SE/Intake36 - Crocodile Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake10 - Moose Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake11 - Narwhal Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake12 - Gorilla Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake13 - Bears Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake14 - Rhino
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake2 - Hydra Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake6 - Octopus Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake7 - Bison Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake8 - Seals Kandy
2023/2024/KA/SE/Intake9 - Cobra Kandy
2024/2025/CH/SE/Intake5 - MPhil - 1
2024/2025/CH/SE/Intake6 - Moose Pending
2024/2025/CH/SE/Intake7 - Moose - Rejected
Miss Praneesha Madushani
2022/2023/BA/SE/Intake36 - Crocodile Bandarawela
2022/2023/CH/SE/Intake1 - Narwhal Head Office
2022/2023/CH/SE/Intake11 - Crocodile Part Time
2022/2023/CH/SE/Intake12 - Crocodile School
2022/2023/MA/SE/Intake36 - Crocodile Mathara
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake10 - Moose Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake11 - Narwhal Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake12 - Gorilla Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake13 - Bears Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake14 - Rhino
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake2 - Hydra Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake6 - Octopus Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake7 - Bison Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake8 - Seals Bandarawela
2023/2024/BA/SE/Intake9 - Cobra Bandarawela
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake10 - Moose Mathara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake11 - Narwhal Mathara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake12 - Gorilla Matara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake13 - Bears Mathara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake14 - Rhino
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake2 - Hydra Mathara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake6 - Octopus Matara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake7 - Bison Matara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake8 - Seals Matara
2023/2024/MA/SE/Intake9 - Cobra Matara
2024/2025/IIC/SE/Intake1 - Moose BEng
Mrs Nirmalee De Silva
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake12 - Rhino
Miss Dilumi Maheshika
2022/2023/CO/SE/Intake43 - Narwhal Colombo
2022/2023/CO/SE/Intake45 - Moose Colombo
2022/2023/CO/SE/Intake48 - Crocodile Colombo
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake10 - Gorilla Colombo
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake11 - Bears Colombo
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake13 - Scorpion 1
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake14 - Scorpion 2
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake2 - Hydra Colombo
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake6 - Octopus Colombo
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake7 - Bison Colombo
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake8 - Seals Colombo
2023/2024/CO/SE/Intake9 - Cobra Colombo
Miss Supipi Bandara
2022/2023/GP/SE/Intake38 - Moose Gampaha
2022/2023/GP/SE/Intake40 - Narwhal Gampaha
2022/2023/GP/SE/Intake46 - Crocodile Gampaha
2023/2024/GP/SE/Intake10 - Gorilla Gampaha
2023/2024/GP/SE/Intake11 - Bears Gampaha
2023/2024/GP/SE/Intake2 - Hydra Gampaha
2023/2024/GP/SE/Intake6 - Octopus Gampaha
2023/2024/GP/SE/Intake7 - Bison Gampaha
2023/2024/GP/SE/Intake8 - Seals Gampaha
2023/2024/GP/SE/Intake9 - Cobra Gampaha
Miss Dahami Divyanjali
2022/2023/KU/SE/Intake36 - Crocodile Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake10 - Moose Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake11 - Narwhal Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake12 - Gorilla Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake13 - Bears Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake14 - Rhino
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake2 - Hydra Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake6 - Octopus Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake7 - Bison Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake8 - Seals Kurunegala
2023/2024/KU/SE/Intake9 - Cobra Kurunegala
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Colombo 05
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